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Jane MacDougall

Working with Source Dragon Consciousness to Heal Multidimensional Timelines & Work with Mother Earth

Updated: May 29, 2023

Join me for this multidimensional story time where Source Dragon consciousness steps forward for the clearing of wounded dragon timelines beginning at the birthing of the dragon race. We were required to integrate our dragon soul aspects before we could endeavour on the journey of healing. This was a beautiful session where the Source Dragon consciousness guided us through every step to heal not only the wounds of the Client, but also to heal timelines from before the beginning of time. When working with her in previous sessions it was clear that she had severe multidimensional trauma from incarnating with the wounded lower frequency descendant species. She wanted to move on and shed all that held her back from being all that she could be. She also knew she had a strong exalted dragon soul aspect. This session is a testament that when you ask from your heart to become whole from within, Source will step forward to support you. If you are sensitive, allow yourself to feel the beauty of the Source Dragon consciousness embedded in this article. It is written to help you remember aspects of YOU that have been forgotten.

Golden Source Dragon Healing Timelines, dragon ancestry, dragon lineage, dragon species, healing draco timelines, realignment with Source consciousness, healing ancestral timelines
Golden Source Dragon Healing Timelines from the Beginning of Creation and to Support Earth to Create the Beauty of Source’s Original Vision


Let go of your feelings of apprehension. This experience will be a very beautiful experience because it will heal an aspect of yourself and an aspect of Source that was, and is, an unnecessary wound, but it has existed for an unbearably long period of time.

They want you to understand that this is a healing that will take place on many levels, known and unknown, seen and unseen. The energetics of the healing and integration will have consequences which will reverberate throughout time and space, all densities and dimensions, including a series of harmonic realities.

What they would like you to do in this now moment is to become your Higherself at 9 levels of consciousness. As the Client expands her energy field and levels of awareness to become her Higherself, I am given verification that she has accomplished this and is holding the necessary frequency to proceed.

They want you to now imagine a beam of light going from your crown straight up into Source. She is then directed to call in all aspects of herself from human, all the way to Source, through the densities, spanning eons of time, a quantum of multiple universes, and to imagine all aspects of you which are pure expressions of the love and light, light and love of Source, knowing who you are, your divine soul linage to step into the beam of light to support you. Recognise that as you connect into your divine soul lineage, you are also connecting you into Source and becoming Source frequencies.

They want you to now consciously recognize your direct connection to the flow of love & light, light and love Source consciousness within you. This is not only Source consciousness, but also YOU as Source consciousness. Recognize this and acknowledge it as a truth from within.

They want you to imagine Source consciousness enveloping you completely throughout all time and space. From the beginning of time, to now, here and beyond. You are now held within pure Source consciousness.

Now breath in the love and light, light and love of Source. Merge your consciousness as a human with YOU as Source. Allow yourself to alchemize you and your Higherself into Source frequencies. She is doing great...and shifting her frequency and the identity of her consciousness.

We were then asked to go straight into Source. To metaphorically project straight up the column of light up, through our crown and merge up into Source itself. Together, we enter an energetic reality of pure love & light, unity, oneness and unconditional love.

In this now moment, we are asking that both of you bring yourselves, your Higherselves at 9 levels of consciousness (strands of DNA), your IAM’s at 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72 (at consecutive layers of consciousness) so, forth and so on until you are Source. These are all of YOU as pure expressions of the love & light, light and love of Source through all time and space. Again, acknowledge yourselves as Source. You are also surrounded by YOU, and your organic energetic templating is held within this sphere.

I receive confirmation that the Client has achieved this state of being for purposes of the healing taking place.

We can now begin. She has authorised all of the work. I said, “It’s so odd, I have no idea what we will be doing today.”

“They”, i.e., Source, angelic, and aspects of SELF as Source, said, “It’s ok you don’t need to know. It is for us to know and for us to do the work.”

This was interesting information for me to receive because almost 100% of the time, the Client will need to set intentions for the work to be performed as there is never a violation of freewill by any version of YOU or Source. In this case, my Client was so determined to heal and clear the wounded dragon energetic lineage that has posed a challenge within her many galactic, solar and Earth incarnations, she was ready to be done with it. Her intentions to face the trauma of her multidimensional wounds came so profoundly from her heart, that Source came directly to respond.

“Okay, so where do we go from here?” I asked.

They informed the Client that it was imperative that her mind not deviate from herself as a pure expression of Source, as this determines the frequencies that they work with. It is not for you to feel fear, it is not for you to drop down into being human. It is for you to simply see yourself within the sphere of Source consciousness with ALL of US to do the work for you. It is imperative that you hold yourself at these levels of consciousness and frequencies during the session and while we work with you.

An aspect of Client that was not aligned with Source was brought forward for clearing before we could begin. It was a wounded aspect. She was not required to “know its name.” She only needed to acknowledge it and allow its release back into Source. As the Client allowed, the wounded soul aspect was instantly cleared.

The energies were beautiful, they then advised the Client that they were going to begin her healing.


“We are beginning the journey now. It is important to TRUST, this is for both of you. It will be a unique experience from the perspectives of the realities that you exist in. Please both authorize your acceptance to endeavour on this path. Client has authorized, you have authorized, we may proceed.

We are going down completely different wormholes of the time space continuum to access the time, the realm of the creation of the dragon race. I see so many dragons, with so many forms and colours. They explain that all of the dragons are etheric. What you are seeing are some of the core consciousness creations. Client needs to understand that the origin of the story begins at this level of consciousness. These are what you could call pure expressions of Source consciousness. The ones you are seeing are at a different time and space, before time and space. However, their energetics flow through to this NOW, these NOW time space moments. Yes, they are interconnected. The reality there, the reality here, it is intertwined. They are showing me energetic wormholes. Yes, that is correct.

The intertwining of the frequencies of the dragon race, it was created to serve a core purpose. Their breath is so powerful. The human race must remember this. The dragon race was created to, it is the intention of the vision, they express Source vision for the purpose of co-creation and manifestation as the expression of Source consciousness. They are like the core fabric of the consciousness structure. One cannot exist without the element of the dragon from within.

Each of you has dragon consciousness that you hold within you. This is part of the Source manifestation, co-energetics. Humanity has not seen it that way, but they, the dragons, as expressions of Source, and as expressions of you. They are parts of you and exist within you on many different levels. This is what humanity must understand.


The purpose of giving you this background, this understanding, this story, is that the Dragon element is not to be rejected, that would be rejecting core Source aspects of SELF.

They are asking for both of us, as we are held within Source, to allow ourselves to integrate our Dragon aspects of SELF which align 100% with the love & light, light & love of Source. As we both allowed, we each integrated our Source aligned Dragon aspects.

Now that you have both allowed the integration of your own Source aligned Dragon aspects, it is time to allow this Source aligned Dragon aspect of SELF to heal all the way from the beginning of time the wounded incarnations of the Dragon races, known and unknown, intentional or unintentional, aligned or not aligned. Allow yourself, as the Source dragon expression, to heal and integrate the wounded aspects, the wounded energetics.

As this is allowed, the Source dragons take us through infinite timelines and universes. Yes, this is correct, this is what we are doing. They bring all of the timelines, streamlined into the Source Dragons and then into Client as an expression of Source. This is why we had you hold Source frequencies within you. The energy was light and fluid. Everything occurred with a gentle grace and ease.

I asked Client if she could feel the integration and healing of all of these dragon aspects. She was calm, cool, riding the slip stream of the healing like she had done it a million times before. “Yes”, she said, “I feel it all.”

This process took a few minutes. She was reminded to stay focused on maintaining herself as being Source as her Dragon aspect called all the other aspects of SELF back, reintegrating them as a pure expression of Source.

It is when we are able to create this level of alignment, and begin integrating the Dragon, because you see the dragon sees and experiences reality from a series of different perspectives, this adds a depth of quantum as to how we see ourselves. How we identify with ourselves as a quantum consciousness. In that moment, all of the wounded distorted timelines were healed and closed.


At this time, healing in the lower frequencies was required. The release of the these wounds was required to realign her quantum consciousness, her lower frequency energy matrix to reflect the healing performed in the higher realms of consciousness. She was releasing the residues from all of the incarnations, and lower consciousness soul aspects of the dragon race lineages, etheric or within degrees of physicality.

Layers 1 – 24 of the Client’s consciousness energy matrix are out of alignment because the energetics are not in alignment with the Source Dragon energetics. We are looking to release the lower frequency dragon permutations. Simply allow the release of these energetics throughout layers 1-24 up to You as Source and to you as your Source Dragon, all that no longer serves you and that which is not 100% aligned with the Love & Light, Light & Love of Source. As she allowed, her energy field was quickly, easily and gently realigned. We are letting all of those go. Very good, very good, thank you.

What is important to understand is that you, Client, never needed to face or know, or understand or feel, we are healing from the perspective that you are already an expression of Source and that you already know who you are. You have already been all that you remember.

The frequencies are Client’s Source Dragon, “These messages are for Client.”

“Your creation in this time & space, the Solar System. Her entry into the Solar System was with intention. She incarnated into this time and space, into this Solar System with intention, purpose and function.”

I ask for clarification on that statement.

“Client must authorize the release of this information and choose to remember that which is already known from within. She came to this quadrant of this Universe and this galaxy because of the need for deep, deep, deep, wounded healing. The separation from Source energetics are beyond comprehension from our perspective in these realms. You honoured All That IS by choosing to carry your Dragon frequencies into this realm to heal that which became wounded. In your galaxy (the Milky Way) our consciousness birthed races which fell into separation from Source. They forgot their origin. These timelines are now being healed. You being here, you doing this work now, understanding your Source Dragon lineage, YOU are healing through time and space, allowing the closure and termination of timelines that no longer need to exist.

As you heal yourself, we heal simultaneously. Higher and higher, through the frequencies and levels of consciousness. Closer and closer into a state of unity and oneness from within as a pure expression of Source. This is what your healing today is allowing.”

New energetics were then brought forward for clearing, release and reintegration back into Source. Remember it is for your Source Dragon to do the energetic alchemy back into alignment.


The first one comes forward; it is from the galaxy but connected into and aligned with the current solar system. It represents the work that these aspects did to severe the connection of the Solar System, all of the planets and all of the beings from within the Solar System from Source consciousness. Resulting in a divine feminine wounding embedded within a range of the chakra energy vortices.

The distorted energy expresses itself, “This is correct, that was our pure intention which we achieved with great success!”

I start laughing, because the statement was made with such pride, and completely incongruous with the energetics of the session, but hey, a wound today, is gone instantly when working with Source energetics.

I respond through a series of giggles, “Thank you, thank you for showing yourself. Everyone has their own perspective.”

Source Dragon steps forward again, it is for Client to acknowledge these aspects of SELF multidimensionally. Thank them and release them to US (Source Dragon & Source) to be reintegrated and realigned with Source, Oneness consciousness.

“Thank you, we are taking them in now. We are clearing timelines and parallel realities related to these energetics.”

This took a few minutes, and they honoured Client for being brave and for facing the unknown, knowing deep in her heart who she truly was. She did not become lost, she knew she could do it, she knew she was US. She always knew she was US.


Another wounded aspect comes forward which is related to EARTH. Again, the energetics hold separation from Source and Separation from Self energetics…quite nasty really. They explain that she incarnated with them many, many times.

Client is asked to acknowledge these aspects of SELF and authorise the release back into herself as Source Dragon and Source. Use your breath to release that which no longer serves you and which is not aligned 100% with love & light, light and love of Source.


The next wounded energy signature comes forward holds the energetics of Client as a wounded baby dragon. The baby dragon says over and over, “I want to go home.” Client is asked to recognize this aspect of herself as being hurt, being wounded, not understanding, being lost, all those things that are distasteful and unpleasant. You are being given the opportunity to release all of these aspects of the dragon and of you as the dragon, to release all of these wounded aspects of yourself through time and space, all densities and dimension, back into Source. You are releasing your multidimensional wounds culminated into this one lifetime, back to Source. You are taking them HOME, to Source where they can be whole once again. So that they and YOU can know what it is to be known, to be seen, to be heard, to be loved, to be cared for, to know who YOU are, and to be whole.

Wonderful, she’s doing it. We are working with her and realigning her from the beginning of time back into Oneness from Within.

She has allowed us to become One within SELF through all eternity. The reverberation for what you have done during this session is beyond our comprehension. You will never realize in your conscious state what you have achieved in this realignment.

Source Dragon and Source: “We have done the work we have come to do. We are her Source Dragon soul aspect.”

They then close all of the timelines. Thank you for the work you have done.


They have a few messages…”We are pure Source Dragon,” it’s so big I call it a they.

“Client, we are interconnected with you through the crown. Our consciousness is your consciousness (they show me the energy coming through her crown and out her right hand. They validate what I am seeing). Client has creator abilities intertwined with us as expressions of Source. When Client allows our vision, as an expression of Source, through herself, we align and co-create together. The right hand is not literal, it is metaphorical to explain to Client that our identities are intertwined.

Source dragon, co-creation, creating heaven on earth, Golden Source Dragon Healing Timelines, dragon ancestry, dragon lineage, dragon species, healing draco timelines, realignment with Source consciousness, healing ancestral timelines
Becoming a co-creator with Source Dragon to support the creation of Heaven on Earth

She can learn how to connect to us to understand aspects of her purpose on Earth and in her current incarnation. She has been on Earth, a long, long time ago. Long before humans. Oh yes, we worked directly with Mother Earth to create all of the beauty, of all that she is. Yes, correct, we put all of our Source consciousness into her. We helped her to create herself in alignment with the beauty of the vision of Source. When we work, and we work through Client, through the breath and the vision of the Client when she is aligned with US as Source and Source, we co-create. We co-create when we are in union as ONE. It is time to co-create in alignment with Source and Mother Earth again. Our breath creates the reality around you. Client, we can align with you when you choose. First, align with you Higherself, then align with Yourself as Source, then become Source, and we will join you. We can help guide you into higher level states of consciousness and integration. You are of the Dragon realm. When you step into the power of your remembrance, you will know all that you need to know.”

“Her session is now done. She has received all that she came for.”

We love you; we are beyond grateful to you Client in your human form for the work that you did today. The knowing, the vision, the strength of SELF to come forward for this type of work. This session has activated more of your IAM energetics, which you may now begin expanding into and learning how to hold and embody. As you expand we are able to work more effectively as YOU. We love you.”

I hope you enjoyed the beauty and information which came forward during this session. It was a powerful healing of timelines that transcended time & space.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.

Many Blessings,



2023 is all about how we choose to expand our consciousness and increase our capacities to anchor in the frequencies of the divinity of our souls to create Heaven on Earth. As we do this, we will also begin stepping further into our individual purposes and missions here on Earth.

To support this expansion and growth I will be offering a series of classes in 2023. These new classes are designed to teach the energetic principles required to understand and navigate the human energy matrix from a multidimensional perspective. These courses will support those who are interested in learning how activate, expand, heal and integrate their higher frequency aspects of Self (Higherself/IAM) in the ascension process of awakening.

As always, I will be keeping my classes to small groups so that the experience remains personal and each person receives the guidance required.

For a multidimensional healing session that works throughout 12 layers and beyond of the human energy matrix spanning from the Cosmic Sun Star to the Cosmic Gateway focusing on clearing, healing, integrating, activating and upgrading the templates held in your energy field please visit my website at

For more information regarding private channeling, mentorship session, Channeling Your Higherself, Quantum Energy Healing, QHHT, Quantum Hypnosis, Sound Healing, Soul Journey Readings, Energy Matrix Readings, Galactic Heritage Readings and/or classes & retreats, please visit:



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